Circulation Testimonial of Johan

His left leg was amputated 18 years ago. Even before that his legs always had bad circulation. Four years ago his right leg started giving bigger problems than usual –open sores that never in the past 4 years healed. It got so bad that he struggled to stand on his...

Ulcerated Stomach and Large Intestine healed

Doctor confirmed – Ulcerated intestines and stomach healed! Images of a client’s colonoscopy on how her intestines and stomach was healed with the Healing Waves program. I am now just over 9 years in the “alternative health spa industry”, and I...

Wompedy Bumpedy Gone !

Healing Waves Spa is the best option to enhance health naturally. Yep, Its a No Drugs solution! I had a huge “bump” (tumor) behind the back of my neck, and after considering many different options, I chose Healing Waves Spa. The program was a daily program...